Word of the Month : Collaboration

Priyadarshan, in his next post, will explain how Google docs, an online collaborative effort works wonders for SPIC MACAY

As promised long ago I have finally explained why I made 'Bench Strength' the word of the month, many months ago - Harsh T

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Convention for me...!

When I read what shalaka had so beautifully written, I too had an instant urge to share what I had experienced. And then I stopped. Did I have something more to say? I was not very sure. At least, I was not sure I could really express it as well. But, hell, you are going to have to read it anyways!

Well, for me, this convention was something exotic, and that was one of the major reasons why I wanted to go there. Another reason was that I was getting the opportunity to see what 'spicmacay' was really about! I wanted to see how the rest of the people look like, the way they think, the way they function... and I can't say I didn't learn all these things. I gathered that many of the people are more organised than what our chapter is, but I also came to realise that we, as a chapter, contain very many thinking heads. Together, if we are motivated enough, (And I think we are, after the convention) we could be a great success.

But this convention worked out much more than just that. It really gave me very good friends. What shalaka said is quite true, we only make friends with people who are like us. And, strangely enough, although we come from totally different backgrounds, in the core we were just the same, and I'm infinitely glad that we were. We gelled like we knew each other since childhood. I guess it's also about how much you share with the person. I've always believed that when you eat, sleep, drink, do everything with a person for a period of time, you get to know that person so well, that you either repel each other very strongly, or you discover that you are very compatible. A third option does not exist.

I mean, there were people around who made u think, and the fact was that every one of us was open to another's opinion. We were not the ones to hold fastidious beliefs. That's what really gave us the capability of understanding the other person, and what a joy it was to find people who think exactly the way you do! Especially, these days, it's very hard (at least for me) to find people who think like me, or who I am extremely compatible with, and here I found them, and in bulk! Not one, not two, but six! We were all peculiar, some were timid, some were very vocal and outgoing, some funny, some would just be there, without expressing outwardly, but I don't know how, or why, but I guess we all understood and appreciated each other and that's what really bonded us so well. And every one in the group had something of their own to add to it. That was really good. It wasn't like any one person was the heart and soul of the discussion, or of the group.

All in all, it was a truly enriching experience. I wouldn't say musically enriching, but overall, culturally. I hope and pray that all of us have found our golden bird... I certainly did!

- niranjani

1 comment:

Shalaka said...

" I've always believed that when you eat, sleep, drink, do everything with a person for a period of time, you get to know that person so well, that you either repel each other very strongly, or you discover that you are very compatible." This line just summed it up! Good show :)